lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

Reading Tasks

Text 1: Griffin Talents. Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas.
Text 2: The Singing Bird. Lee el texto y haz las actividades.
Text 3: Vet emergency. Lee el texto y haz las actividades.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

Adverbs of Frequency

Exercise 1: Coloca los adverbios de frecuencia en la posición correcta.
Exercise 2: Ordena las palabras para formar frases.
Exercise 3: Coloca los adverbios de frecuencia en la posición correcta.
Exercise 4: Encuentra los adverbios de frecuencia.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Animal World

Exercise 1: Une las palabras y las imágenes.
Exercise 2: Haz los tres ejercicios sobre animales.
Exercise 3: Crucigrama. Haz clic en los números para ver la foto del animal. Completa.
Exercise 4: Juego. Juega al ahorcado con animales.
Exercise 5: Contesta a estas preguntas.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012


Haz estos ejercicios

Ejercicio 1: Une las palabras y las imágenes.
Ejercicio 2: Elige la opción correcta.
Ejercicio 3: Empareja las palabras.
Ejercicio 4: Mira estos productos lácteos. Elige la opción correcta.
Ejercicio 5: Haz clic en PLAY y escucha las palabras. Únelas a la imágenes.
Ejercicio 6: Elige la opción correcta.
Ejercicio 7: Elige la opción correcta.
Ejercicio 8: Haz los tres ejercicios.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Describing People

Exercise 1: Choose one of these characters and mae a description.

Exercise 1: Repasa los adjetivos. Mira la foto y selecciona la palabra más adecuada.
Exercise 2: Lee las descripciones y selecciona la opción correcta.
Exercise 3: Lee las descripciones y selecciona el personaje descrito. Haz clic en => para pasar al siguiente.

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

The Human Body



Exercise 1: Match the pictures and the words.
Exercise 2: Write the names of the body parts.
Exercise 3: Choose the correct body part from the list.
Exercise 4: Listen to the words and match them with the pictures.

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Unit 9 - Descrbing cities

Look at these pictures of possible future cities.

Now, open an open office document and write sentences describing how cities will and won't be. Use Future Simple (will).

Abre un documento de texto y escribe frases que describan als ciudades futuras. Usa futuro con WILL/WON'T.

We will live in metal cities. We will have robots living with us...

Unit 9 - Reading


In the future, cities won't be as we know them. They will be very different. First, they will be bigger than they are today because all the people who live in small towns will move to the city, so small towns will no longer exist.

We won't have most of the things we can find today in the cities. For example, there won't be any supermarkets. We will do the shopping in Internet. We will buy everything we need to eat with a computer, and robots will deliver all the things we buy.

Internet will be very cheap and there will be computers in all the houses. Robots will do most of the hard work, so we will work from home with our computers. Factories, offices or banks will not exist.

Cars and buses will be more efficient and they won't pollute because they will be electric and they won't consume petrol. Some of them will fly, so we will travel very fast.

Can you imagine how your city will be in the future?

  1. Write TRUE or FALSE
a) Cities will be small.
b) People from small towns will go to the cities.
c) We will use the computers to buy everything we need.
d) We won't work in offices, banks or factories.
e) All cars will fly.

  1. Read and answer these questions about the text.
    a) Will people live in small towns?
    b) Where will we do our shopping?
    c) Who will do the hard work?
    d) Why will cars and buses be very efficient?

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

Unit 9 - The Future

will work
You will work
He will work
She will work
It will work
We will work
You will work
They will work
won't  work
You  won't  work
He  won't  work
She  won't  work
It  won't  work
You  won't  work
We  won't  work
They won't work
Will I work?
Will you work?
Will he work?
Will she work?
Will it work?
Will we work?
Will you work?
Will they work?

Exercise 1: Completa los huecos con el verbo en futuro con WILL, afirmativa.
Exercise 2: Completa las frases con el futuro simple, afirmativa.
Exercise 3: Reescribe las frases en negativa.
Exercise 4: Lee las frases y escribe preguntas en futuro.


[am/is/are + going to + verb]


You are going to meet Jane tonight.
Are you going to meet Jane tonight?

You are not going to meet Jane tonight.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences.
Exercise 2: Read these sentences and complete them with the right verb.
Exercise 3: Create questions.
Exercise 4: Answer these questions.
Exercise 5: Complete these sentences (Affirmative, negative, interrogative)


Exercise 1: Choose the right option
Exercise 2: Choose the right option.
Exercise 3: Complete these sentences with the right form.
Exercise 4: Complete these sentences with the right form.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012


En este trimestre vamos a buscar datos sobre la vida de un personaje famoso, preferiblemente que no esté vivo. Vamos a investigar su vida y escribir una breve biografía. Para ello seguiremos estos 6 pasos:

1º Realizamos una investigación sobre el personaje que queramos.

2º Dividiremos la información más importante en 5 apartados:
a) nacimiento
b) infancia y familia
c) vida adulta
d) obras y fama
e) muerte

3º Crearemos frases sencillas en inglés sobre su vida. NO TRADUCIMOS CON TRADUCTORES ONLINE y NO COPIAMOS DE BIOGRAFÍAS EN INGLÉS.

4º Con esas frases creamos una biografía, de un sólo párrafo.

5º Entregamos la biografía escrita para que el profesor la corrija.

6º Realizamos una exposición oral.

Puedes descargarte este manual con ejemplos.

viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

Unit 7 - Past Simple

Click on an exercise to practice.

Exercise 1: Completa las frases con el pasado simple de los verbos regulares.
Exercise 2: Completa las frases con el pasado simple de los verbos irregulares.
Exercise 3: Completa con la forma adecuada de los verbos. Algunos son regulares y otros son irregulares.
Exercise 4: Lee el texto y completa con la forma de pasado correcta, rregular o irregular.
Exercise 5: Lee el texto y selecciona la opción correcta en pasado. Completa las reglas de ortografía del pasado simple regular y por último, pon los verbos en pasado.

UNIT 7 - Past Simple of Irregualr Verbs

Click on the exercises to practice the irregular verbs past. Look at the irregular verbs list if you need.

Exercise 1: Escribe el pasado simple de estos verbos irregulares.
Exercise 2: Selecciona el pasado irregular adecuado de cada verbo.
Exercise 3: Escribe el pasado de cada verbo.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Unit 7 - Biographies


Diego Velázquez was a Spanish painter. He was born on June 6th 1599. He was born in Andalusia. His parents names were Juan and Jerónima. His parents were Spanish, but his grandparents were from Portugal. He was married to Juana Pacheco and they had two children. A lot of his paintings were religious but his most important works are La rendición de Breda, Las meninas or Las hilanderas. These paintings were not religious.He was very famous in Spain, Italy and all Europe because he was the painter of kings and popes. He died in 1660.


William Shakespeare was an English writer. He was born in1564. He was born in Stratford Upon Avon. His parents' names were John and Mary. His father was a butcher and a glove maker. Shakespeare was a good student at school and studied Grammar, Latin and Literature. When he was 18, he married Anne Hathaway. She was 26 when they married and they had a daughter and two sons. Their sons were twins. His first job was actor, but he loved writing poems and plays too. Some of his plays were very popular and others weren’t, but he was a famous writer. He wrote comedies, historical plays and tragedies, but he wrote lots of poems too. His most famous works were Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Macbeth. He died in 1616.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012


En este mes vamos a trabajar la exposición oral. Podemos trabajar en grupos de hasta cinco personas y haremos lo siguiente:

1º Tendreis que buscar una foto de una persona y describirla utilizando todo lo que ya hemos aprendido:
  • descripción física,
  • descripción de la ropa,
  • descripción de acciones, es decir, ¿qué está haciendo en la foto?

2º Una vez que hayamos descrito a la persona, enseñaremos la descripción al profesor para que la corrija.

3º Una vez que sepamos en qué nos hemos equivocado, corregimos nuestra redacción y la pasamos a una presentación de diapositivas (Impress) junto a los miembros del grupo.
Recuerda que cada grupo debe describir a cinco personas, independientemente del número de integrantes (aunque sean menos de cinco).

4º Cuando terminemos la presentación, cada miembro del grupo se aprende una desciripción que deberá decir a todos sus compañeros de clase y que NO PODRÁ LEER, si bien podrá usar la presentación de diapositivas para que se vea la foto.

Aquí tienes un par de ejemplos de descripciones (haz clic aquí para descargar los ejemplos en PDF):

This is a young beautiful girl.

Her name is Allison and she is from United States. She has got long blonde hair. She is slim and tall. She is interesting and intelligent.

In this picture it is cold because she is wearing boots, black trousers, a blue jumper and a white coat. She is also wearing brown sunglasses.

In this picture she is chewing gum and walking.

This is a clown.

His name is Bonzo. He has short green hair. She is short. He has got big blue eyes and a big mouth. His nose is red. He is funny and happy.

In this picture he is wearing brown shoes, purple trousers, a yellow shirt and a purple hat. He is also wearing a red bowtie.

In this picture he is laughing and walking.